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Careers Programme Information

Department Staff

Mrs E Mills L7 Qualified Careers Leader
Miss D Obertelli L6 Qualified Careers Advisor

Department Email / Telephone:

Our Vision:

The Maplesden Noakes School aim to support our students in understanding, engaging with and developing their future pathways from the very start of Year 7 to Year 13, and to provide them with the skills, confidence and resilience to achieve the highest aspirations in a world of change and competition.

Our Strategy:

Careers guidance is critical for young people today.  At The Maplesden Noakes School, we understand that we have an important role in preparing students for the next stage of their education, training and employment.

Career pathways are now more challenging and complex than ever before, and we know that young people will have several careers during their working lives, including some which do not currently exist. We recognise that the current COVID-19 pandemic has added an extra level of uncertainty to this aspect of education.

With increasing choices in education, training and employment, our aim is to prepare our students for these widening opportunities, experiences and responsibilities and to equip them with the High-Performance Learning skills to manage the options, changes and transitions which lie ahead of them.

We aim to have a whole-school approach to this, with every single member of staff helping to deliver high-quality, impartial Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance.  This will enable students to access the information necessary to making informed decisions about their future.  Our careers programme plays a crucial role in the curriculum and is based on the most recent guidance from the government.  It supports the achievement of each of the eight Gatsby benchmarks. Careers education at The Maplesden Noakes School is being integrated into every aspect of the curriculum with Careers Ambassadors in subject departments supported by qualified career development professionals. Our aim is to ensure that all students understand the links between what they learn and their future pathway.

We want students to achieve beyond examination grades: we want them to achieve their highest dreams and aspirations.



All students who attend The Maplesden Noakes School in Years 7 – Sixth Form have access to Unifrog.  Unifrog is an award winning, online careers platform that allows students the ability to search an extensive online careers library to support the delivery of our School Careers Programme.

Focusing on self-awareness, self-determination and self-exploration of skills and interests for our Key Stage 3 students with accelerated use within Key Stage 4 and Sixth Form, focusing on Labour Market Information, exploring career pathways, Post 14, 16 and 18 choices and preparing for the world of work.

The Maplesden Noakes School are also pleased to offer a parental login to parents if they so wish to explore this platform with their son/daughter. 

Please contact the Careers Team if you would like to be set up with a parental login.      


The Maplesden Noakes School is proud to be working with The Education People’s Specialist Employment Service to embed the supported employment model, addressing the needs of every individual. The toolkit in place aims to raise aspirations for SEND students and further enhance the schools’ careers programme by the introduction of vocational profiling for SEND students. The supported employment in schools’ contract and mentor is there to help work with careers and SENCO staff in mainstream schools across Kent support SEND students through transition and to prepare them for the world of work and into sustainable careers. 


The Maplesden Noakes School works closely with The Careers and Enterprise Company (The CEC).  We are pleased to be able to work collaboratively within school with our Enterprise Co-ordinator who works with us in delivering against our Gatsby Benchmarks and completing our Compass+ evaluations.  The school commits to evaluating the careers programme by completing the Compass+ evaluations in Autumn and Spring with a final evaluation that includes all completed activities for the year, being the most accurate evaluation of the careers programme. Regular feedback is provided to SLT and our Link Governor.  

The CDI FrameworkThe MNS Careers Policy, Strategy & Objectives

Provider Access Policy

The MNS Student Career Journey

The Gatsby BenchmarksCareers Activities by Year Group

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