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Admission Arrangements 2024-25, 2025-26 and 2026-27
A copy of the Admission Policy for 2024/25 is available to view here
A copy of the Admission Policy for 2025/26 is available to view here
A copy of the Admission Policy for 2026/27 is available to view here
Admission Appeals
Please see our dedicated Admission Appeals page for full information.
Application Process
Secondary transfer from primary school: Parents will receive a KCC “Admission to Secondary School” booklet from their primary school. This provides a detailed explanation of the process – parents can apply online or on paper.
Key Dates:
- Applications via KCC closing date: Tuesday 31st October 2024
- National Offer Day: Monday 3rd March 2025
- Deadline to accept/refuse the place: Monday 17th March 2025
- Deadline to join the Waiting List via KCC: Monday 17th March 2025
In Year Casual Admissions: If you are moving into the area or want to change schools parents should complete an In Year Admission Form (IYAF) obtainable from KCC and return it to the school. A link to the IYAF is below:
Download the In Year Admission Form
Once we have received your application form you should receive a response within 10 working days. If we are unable to offer your child a place at that time they will be added to the waiting list for the relevant year group in accordance with our oversubscription criteria. For more information please see our Admissions Policy which can be found in the Downloads section below.
If you have any queries regarding the Admissions Process please contact us at admissions@maplesden.kent.sch.uk