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Co-Headteacher's Welcome

MWA TNE Website sm'A School Built on Kindness, Empathy and Respect'

Welcome to The Maplesden Noakes School.

At Maplesden, we know we take on a weighty responsibility when you entrust your child to us. Education at Maplesden includes a commitment to helping every child reach their full potential in all their courses, but we believe it goes well beyond this too. Our goal and Just Cause at Maplesden is To Provide the Best Curriculum and Experience for all, and the Best Start to an Exciting Future.

As part of their education, we are committed to developing the ‘whole child’, including their qualities such as: Resilience, Curiosity, Creativity and Confidence, and importantly developing our core values of Kindness, Empathy and Respect. With access to a broad, engaging curriculum and the right set of experiences, they will be best placed for success in their next steps and in life beyond school.

Our Values at Maplesden

We are proudly a school that is built on Kindness, Empathy and Respect and we’ve worked hard to ensure that these core values are evident in everything we do, from our overarching policies to the daily conversations we have with students and staff alike. ‘Kindness, Empathy and Respect underpin all that the school does’, Ofsted, May 2024.  Our values also include a commitment to Equity and a desire to remove any barriers a young person faces in life, in education and in their own ambitious goals.


We are delighted to share the privilege and responsibility of Headship at Maplesden. Co-Headship is an established and successful model in education, and even more so in the business world. This leadership model has many benefits, including it providing more bandwidth, more diversity, and it being more sustainable. We have worked together closely for a great deal of years at Maplesden Noakes, and while we bring different experiences and expertise to the role; Mrs Watts with Staffing and Mr Newcombe with Curriculum, we are robustly aligned in our values and commitment to Maplesden and everything our school stands for. 

Moira Watts and Tom Newcombe

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